Benefits of Upskilling for Early Years Practitioners

Benefits of Upskilling for Early Years Practitioners
19 Dec 2022

The benefits of upskilling for early years practitioners include career progression within the early years setting and outside the setting in a variety of roles while contributing to personal growth and development on several levels.  

The level of education an early years practitioner holds directly impacts the roles that they can work within as set out by legislation and the Department of Education and Skills (DES) in Ireland. 

There is also a certain standard of qualification and skills that are necessary to meet in order to work outside of the early years setting. For this reason, the benefits of upskilling for early years practitioners are huge and can greatly impact your career.  

In order to demonstrate the impact upskilling has on early years practitioners, let's examine the roles that an individual can undertake at each level of education according to the National Framework of Qualifications and DES. 

With a level 5 qualification in early childhood care and education you can work as: 

  • A registered childminder 
  • An early years practitioner  
  • An afterschool services practitioner 

With a level 6 qualification in early childhood care and education you can work as: 

  • A registered childminder 
  • An early years practitioner  
  • An afterschool services practitioner 
  • Room Leader 
  • Assistant Manager  
  • Special Needs Assistant in a primary or specialised school 

With a level 7 qualification in early childhood care and education you can work as: 

  • A registered childminder 
  • An early years practitioner  
  • An afterschool services practitioner 
  • Room Leader 
  • Assistant Manager  
  • Special Needs Assistant in a primary or specialised school 
  • Setting Manager 
  • Quality Lead (in chains of childcare settings) 

With a level 8 qualification in early childhood care and education you can work as: 

  • A registered childminder 
  • An early years practitioner  
  • An afterschool services practitioner 
  • Room Leader 
  • Assistant Manager  
  • Special Needs Assistant in a primary or specialised school 
  • Setting Manager 
  • Quality Lead (in chains of childcare settings) 
  • Early years specialist with POBAL, Tusla, DCEDIY, Ombudsman for Children’s Office, DES, Early Childhood Ireland, and more roles outside of the early years setting 
  • Tutor with VEC and private colleges (with additional training in Teaching in Further Education) 
  • Route to primary school teaching (with Professional Master’s in Education – Leaving Certificate requirements for specific subjects apply) 
  • Registration with the Teaching Council of Ireland via the further education route for roles in specialised schools and units 

With a level 9 qualification in early childhood care and education you can work as: 

  • All of the above  
  • Policy development and managerial roles  
  • Lecturer in college or university 

Other Benefits of Upskilling for Early Years Practitioners 

Personal development 

Outside of career progression, there are personal development benefits of upskilling for early years practitioners.  

By upskilling, you gain new knowledge and with that knowledge comes confidence when interacting with colleagues, peers, multidisciplinary groups such as occupational therapists, play therapists or doctors as well as your confidence dealing with parents and the inspectorate.  

The more knowledge you gain by upskilling the more you prepare yourself to take on anything that may come your way in the early years sector from legislation to inclusion and beyond.  

It builds your confidence and builds your network of connections with other like-minded people who are interested in and passionate about the same things you are. 

Open your own early years setting  

Upskilling gives you the opportunity to open your own setting and set the highest standards possible for your practice and your staff so that the children and their families have the best experience possible.  

Upskilling to level 8 for example then allows you to carry out a research project within your setting which could involve renovating a section of your facility such as a garden. This allows you to put your studies and research into practice while  

Become a specialist in a topic you are interested in 

Upskilling also gives you the opportunity to delve more deeply into a specific topic that you are passionate about within the early years sector and become a specialist in that area. For example, if you study, research and write on the topic of inclusion right through your level 8 and level 9 master’s you will become a trusted specialist in this area with the potential to become a thought leader and engage in seminars and speak at events. 

Get in Contact

If you are interested in any of our early years and Montessori courses or have any questions you can book a consultation call with our expert advisor Jennifer Matteazzi here, email or call 01 892 0031. Visit our Early Years & Montessori Department here.

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