Discover Inclusive Education as a Fulfilling and Diverse Career Path

young students inclusive education practice
22 Aug 2023

In an ever-evolving world that thrives on diversity and inclusivity, there is a fulfilling career path that not only celebrates these ideals but also fosters them at its core — Inclusive Education 

Imagine a career where every day is a new opportunity to nurture individuality, empower every student regardless of their abilities, and create an equitable learning environment that encourages growth in its most holistic sense.

Welcome to the captivating and dynamic world of Inclusive Education. 

The purpose of this blog post is to not only enlighten you about this rewarding career path but also to inspire aspiring educators, professionals, and even curious minds to delve deeper into this vibrant field of study.  

Rooted in a profound belief that every student deserves equal opportunities for learning and personal development, Inclusive Education embodies the fundamental principles of empathy, respect, and fairness.  

This is a career that invites you to impact lives, transform communities, and contribute meaningfully to the societal fabric. 

It is important to emphasise that embarking on a career in Inclusive Education is not simply about obtaining a job. It's about choosing a vocation that reverberates with compassion and understanding. It's about embracing a field that has the power to dismantle barriers and build bridges of acceptance and inclusion.  

This journey is not just about becoming an educator—it's about becoming a beacon of change, an advocate for equality, and a harbinger of hope. 

In this article, we traverse the multifaceted landscape of Inclusive Education—a career path that is as fulfilling as it is diverse. Discover the role you can play in shaping a more inclusive, accepting, and harmonious world. Unearth the potential that this remarkable field holds, not just for you, but for the countless lives that you could positively impact. 

As we delve deeper into the world of Inclusive Education, we invite you to engage, question, and explore. Let's embark on this journey of discovery together, unlocking the potential of Inclusive Education to not just transform classrooms, but also hearts and minds. Because, at its core, Inclusive Education is not just a career—it's a calling. 

What is Inclusive Education? 

Inclusive education is an educational approach that aims to ensure all students, regardless of any perceived differences or abilities, have an equal opportunity for academic and social achievement.  

This approach involves adjusting and enhancing educational systems, methodologies, and policies to eliminate barriers and create an environment where all students can fully participate and thrive in the learning process. 

Inclusive education embraces the diversity of the student population and sees it as a strength that can enhance and enrich learning for everyone. It emphasises the need for educators to provide tailored instruction and necessary support for each student, considering their individual learning styles, abilities, and needs. 

The focus of inclusive education is not only on students who might have special needs or disabilities but also on any students who might be marginalised or at risk of exclusion, such as those from different cultural or socioeconomic backgrounds.  

Inclusive education fosters a sense of belonging, promotes social cohesion, and helps students to develop empathy and mutual respect. 

By adopting an inclusive education approach, educational institutions signal their commitment to equality and diversity, teaching students the value of inclusivity, and preparing them for a diverse and interconnected world. 

As we seek to prepare our students for a diverse and interconnected world, the concept of inclusive education has become more critical than ever. Inclusive education provides a learning environment where everyone, irrespective of their abilities, is valued, respected, and given equal opportunities to thrive. 

Inclusive education is a teaching approach that adapts to the diverse range of needs among students. It aims to eliminate exclusion that may be a result of abilities, gender, language, socio-economic status, or other factors. In the most fundamental sense, inclusive education is about ensuring that no learner is left behind. 

Contrary to traditional models that segregate students with different needs, inclusive education promotes a learning environment where every student learns alongside their peers in supportive, engaging, and collaborative ways.  

It champions the idea that diversity is not a challenge to be overcome but a strength to be celebrated. 

The Core Principles of Inclusive Education 

Inclusive education is underpinned by several key principles. Understanding these can help us implement this approach more effectively and foster a learning culture that embraces diversity. 

  1. Respect for Diversity: This advocates for acceptance and appreciation of differences, acknowledging that every student has unique learning styles and capabilities. Diversity in an inclusive setting is viewed as a resource for learning, rather than a problem to be solved.
  2. Equal Opportunities for Learning: Inclusive education ensures that all students have equal access to educational opportunities. This is not about treating every student in exactly the same way, but rather recognising their individual needs and ensuring they have the necessary resources and support to succeed.
  3. Full Participation: Inclusive education emphasises the active participation of all students in the learning process. It fosters a sense of belonging and community, ensuring that every student has a voice and is actively engaged in classroom activities.
  4. Community and Collaboration: Inclusive education is not just the responsibility of the teacher. It involves collaboration among teachers, students, parents, and the broader community. It encourages shared decision-making and cooperative efforts to meet the needs of all students.

Inclusive education presents a transformative vision for education—one that champions diversity, equality, and universal access to learning. It is an approach that not only benefits students with diverse needs, but also enriches the educational experience for all learners, fostering empathy, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

As we continue to strive for a more equitable society, understanding and implementing the principles of inclusive education is a vital step forward. 

The Importance of Inclusive Education 

In our diverse and interconnected global society, inclusive education stands out as a crucial pillar of modern education. Inclusive education isn't merely a buzzword—it's a comprehensive approach to teaching that acknowledges and values the rich tapestry of individual differences within our learning communities. 

In this section, we seek to shed light on the importance of inclusive education. We'll explore why it is more than just an educational strategy, and instead, a powerful tool that fosters empathy, equality, and a richer understanding of the world around us. 

At its core, inclusive education is an approach that ensures every student—irrespective of their background, abilities, or learning needs—has equal opportunities for academic and social development. 

This commitment to learning equality necessitates a shift from traditional, one-size-fits-all teaching methods towards more flexible, adaptive, and student-centred strategies. 

Inclusive education recognises that all students are unique, each bringing their own strengths, challenges, experiences, and perspectives to the learning environment.

By embracing these differences, inclusive education enriches the learning experience for all students and promotes a more inclusive society. 

Why is Inclusive Education Important? 

  1. Promotes Equality and Non-discrimination

Inclusive education plays a significant role in promoting equality and non-discrimination. By ensuring all students, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds, have equal access to quality education, inclusive education helps to break down barriers and stereotypes, fostering a more equitable society. 

  1. Enhances Learning for All

The practice of inclusive education benefits all students, not just those with diverse learning needs. By encouraging a variety of teaching methods and learning strategies, inclusive education offers a richer, more engaging, and more effective learning experience. Students learn to appreciate different perspectives, enhancing their understanding and knowledge. 

  1. Fosters Social Cohesion and Mutual Respect

Inclusive classrooms cultivate an environment where students learn to empathise with, respect, and appreciate their peers’ unique abilities and backgrounds. These social skills, including teamwork and respect for diversity, are invaluable in today’s globally interconnected society. 

  1. Empowers Students with Additional Educational Needs

Inclusive education is especially empowering for students with additional educational needs. Instead of being marginalised or segregated, these students receive the necessary support to learn alongside their peers, fostering a sense of belonging and self-worth. 

  1. Prepares Students for a Diverse Society

By reflecting the diversity of our society within the classroom, inclusive education better prepares students for real-world experiences. They develop a more nuanced understanding of the world, fostering the skills to thrive in diverse environments and navigate social complexities. 

Inclusive education is an essential component of 21st-century teaching. Its importance goes beyond academics, influencing students’ social development, promoting equity, and preparing them for success in an increasingly diverse society.  

As educators, it's our responsibility to champion and implement inclusive practices, ensuring every student feels valued, included, and empowered to learn. 

The Role of Inclusive Education in Society 

In the quest for social equality and cohesion, education serves as a powerful tool. Specifically, inclusive education stands at the forefront as an influential force capable of transforming societal norms and reducing disparities.  

By fostering an environment that celebrates diversity and encourages all learners to thrive, inclusive education plays an essential role in creating a more equitable society. 

Inclusive education is an approach that accommodates and respects the learning needs of all students, irrespective of their abilities, socioeconomic status, language, or cultural background. It insists on equal access to education, ensuring every learner receives tailored support to fulfil their potential.

How does inclusive education build a strong foundation for social cohesion? 

  1. Fosters Mutual Respect and Understanding

In inclusive classrooms, students interact with peers from diverse backgrounds and with varied abilities. This experience instils a sense of respect and understanding, teaching students to value diversity and foster empathy - essential qualities for a cohesive society. 

  1. Encourages Participation and Belonging

Inclusive education emphasises the active participation of all students in the learning process. It cultivates a sense of belonging, ensuring every student feels valued and included, thus promoting a culture of acceptance and inclusion in the broader society. 

  1. Develops Collaborative Skills

Through cooperative learning and team activities, inclusive education fosters collaborative skills among students. These skills are crucial for creating harmonious societies, encouraging individuals to work together towards common goals. 

Inclusive education is also a key tool for reducing disparities as it: 

  1. Levels the Playing Field

Inclusive education ensures that all students, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities, have equal access to quality education. This approach helps to level the playing field, reducing educational disparities and increasing opportunities for all learners. 

  1. Empowers Marginalised Groups

By providing necessary support and accommodations, inclusive education empowers students from marginalised groups. It encourages their active participation and helps them achieve their full potential, contributing to reduced societal disparities. 

  1. Advocates for Equal Opportunities

Inclusive education serves as a vehicle for advocating equal opportunities in society. It emphasises the idea that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has the right to quality education and the chance to succeed. 

Inclusive education plays an integral role in shaping our society. It not only impacts the academic success of students but also influences societal attitudes, fostering social cohesion and reducing disparities.  

Embracing and implementing inclusive practices is, therefore, a crucial step towards creating a more equitable, inclusive, and harmonious society. 

What are the Career Opportunities in Inclusive Education? 

This dynamic and rewarding field not only embraces and celebrates diversity but also actively works towards creating environments where everyone is given equal opportunities to thrive.  

But what does a career in this impactful field look like? How can you contribute towards this significant cause? 

Let’s explore the vibrant world of career opportunities within inclusive education. From special education teachers who work directly with students to policymakers who shape the landscape of inclusive education, there is a myriad of paths you can take.  

Each role, distinct in its responsibilities, contributes towards the shared goal of nurturing a learning environment that acknowledges, respects, and caters to the needs of all students.

A degree in Inclusive Education Practice forms the foundation for these careers, it is important to note that further studies and specialisations are needed for most of these career paths. 

If you've ever felt the call to make a difference, challenge norms, and champion equal opportunities, then a career in inclusive education might just be your calling.  

  1. Special Education Teacher

Special education teachers play a crucial role in inclusive education. They work directly with students who have diverse learning needs, developing individualised education plans and using specialised instructional strategies. These professionals often work in inclusive classrooms, collaborating with general education teachers to ensure all students' needs are met. 

  1. Inclusion Specialist

Inclusion specialists work with schools or districts to develop and implement inclusion policies and practices. They may conduct staff training, provide resources, and help integrate students with special needs into general education classrooms. 

  1. School Counsellor

School counsellors play an important role in promoting inclusive education. They provide support to students with diverse needs, helping them navigate social and academic challenges. They may also work with teachers, parents, and administrators to create a more inclusive school environment.

4. Educational Consultant

Educational consultants specialising in inclusive education provide advice to schools and educational institutions on implementing inclusive practices. They may help develop curricula, train teachers, or create policies to promote inclusivity.

5. Disability Services Coordinator

In higher education settings, disability services coordinators ensure that students with disabilities have the necessary accommodations to succeed. They might work with faculty, staff, and students to ensure the campus is inclusive and accessible. 

6. Policy Maker or Advocate

Those with a passion for inclusive education may find careers in policy-making or advocacy rewarding. These roles involve shaping legislation, creating educational policies, and advocating for inclusive practices at the local, state, or national level. 

7. Special Needs Assistant

Special Needs Assisting or SNAs are qualified to work in schools, hospitals and care homes supporting those with learning, physical or behavioural difficulties. The role of an SNA in the classroom involves assisting the teacher to support students with special educational needs who may also have significant care needs. Through education, knowledge and understanding an SNA can ensure that a child or adult with special needs experiences a positive learning experience developing their confidence and independence.

Read More: What is the daily role of an SNA?

It's important to note that roles in inclusive education require specialised skills and often specific qualifications. Many professionals in this field have degrees in special education, psychology, or related fields, and may also require state licensure or certification. 

Portobello Institute offers a BA (Ord) in Inclusive Education Practice, BA (Hons) in Inclusive Education Practice and an MA in Inclusive Education and SEN. 

Future Trends in Inclusive Education 

The field of inclusive education is constantly evolving, propelled by advancements in technology, pedagogical research, and societal changes.  

Here are a few trends expected to shape the future of inclusive education: 

  1. Technology-Driven Personalised Learning

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more personalised and adaptive learning experiences. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help create customised learning plans that adapt to individual student's needs. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) can offer immersive learning experiences that cater to diverse learning styles. 

  1. Increased Emphasis on Social-Emotional Learning

While academic skills are important, there's a growing recognition of the value of social-emotional learning in inclusive classrooms. Teaching empathy, emotional regulation, social skills, and resilience can help create a more supportive and inclusive learning environment. 

  1. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL is a framework that suggests designing educational experiences to be accessible for all from the start, rather than retrofitting existing structures to accommodate diverse learners. Expect to see more curriculum design and instructional strategies following UDL principles. 

  1. Collaborative Learning

The future of inclusive education will likely see an increased focus on collaborative learning. Group activities and cooperative learning strategies can foster a sense of community, promote social skills, and enhance learning for all students. 

  1. Enhanced Teacher Training

There will be a growing emphasis on preparing teachers for inclusive classrooms. This includes not only learning about specific disabilities but also understanding how to differentiate instruction, manage diverse classrooms, and implement inclusive practices. 

  1. Inclusive Assessment Practices

Traditional forms of assessment can often disadvantage students with diverse learning needs. The future will likely see the development and implementation of more inclusive assessment practices, such as portfolio-based assessments, that allow all students to demonstrate their understanding in varied ways. 

  1. Stronger Family-School Partnerships

The role of families in supporting inclusive education is being increasingly recognised. Expect to see schools making greater efforts to involve families and form strong partnerships to better support students' learning and development. 

  1. Policy and Legislation

As societies globally recognise the importance of inclusivity, expect to see more robust policies and legislation that support and mandate inclusive education practices. 

These trends indicate a promising future for inclusive education—one that holds the potential to create more equitable and effective learning environments for all students. 

Professional Development Opportunities in Inclusive Education 

Professional development in inclusive education plays a crucial role in equipping educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively teach in diverse classrooms. Here are several types of professional development opportunities in inclusive education: 

  1. Workshops and Seminars

Workshops and seminars, often held by educational institutions or professional organisations, provide educators with up-to-date information on inclusive practices, recent research, and legislation. These gatherings also offer opportunities for networking and learning from other professionals in the field. 

  1. Courses and Certifications

Many universities and colleges offer courses or certification programs in inclusive or special education. These courses can provide a more in-depth understanding of specific disabilities, assessment strategies, and instructional techniques. 

  1. Online Learning

Numerous online learning platforms offer courses on inclusive education. This provides flexibility. Topics can range from understanding specific disabilities to implementing Universal Design for Learning. 

  1. On-the-Job Training

On-the-job training, such as coaching or mentoring programs, provides educators with practical, hands-on experience in inclusive classrooms. This type of training can provide valuable insights and immediate feedback, helping educators to continually refine their teaching strategies. 

  1. Conferences and Symposiums

These events bring together educators, researchers, and experts in the field of inclusive education to share their experiences, present new research, and discuss challenges and solutions. 

  1. Research Opportunities

Engaging in research can help educators stay updated on best practices and emerging trends in inclusive education. This might involve conducting their own research projects, collaborating with universities, or simply keeping up with current literature. 

Continuous Professional Development is vital for several reasons in Inclusive Education:

Skill Enhancement 

Professional development equips educators with the skills to cater to a diverse range of student needs. This includes adapting teaching methods, creating inclusive learning environments, and differentiating instruction. 

Knowledge Update 

Inclusive education is a dynamic field, with new research, technologies, and strategies continually emerging. Professional development helps educators stay updated and integrate these advancements into their practice. 

Boosting Confidence 

When educators are prepared and knowledgeable, they feel more confident. This confidence can lead to more successful and inclusive classrooms. 

Improved Student Outcomes 

Professional development in inclusive education leads to improved outcomes for all students. When educators are well-prepared to handle diverse classrooms, all students benefit from a more equitable and effective learning environment. 

Professional development in inclusive education serves as the cornerstone for enhancing educational experiences for all students.  

It empowers educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to create classrooms that are truly inclusive and responsive to a diverse range of learning needs.  

By investing in ongoing professional development, educators can stay informed about the latest research, methodologies, and tools in the field, enabling them to effectively navigate the dynamic landscape of inclusive education.  

Ultimately, these ongoing learning opportunities do not just benefit educators—they are pivotal to fostering an educational environment that celebrates diversity, promotes equality, and sets every student up for success.  

Inclusive education is, after all, not just about inclusion in the classroom, but also about inclusion in life, nurturing a society that values every individual's unique potential. 


Portobello Institute Inclusive Education Students

Anna Dunlevy White worked as a financial underwriter before changing her career to become a Montessori teacher and an SNA.

She has been working as a teaching assistant in a mainstream school for almost seven years now and is currently studying for her BA (Ord) in Inclusive Education Practice at Portobello Institute. 

“My role is constantly evolving so in order to best support the individual needs of the children I work with I decided to challenge myself, for my own personal development, to become a better practitioner and pursue my goal of becoming a special education teacher.

“I have seen how the traditional academic approach to education in Ireland has not evolved quickly enough to fully and inclusively support SEN students, so I want to develop and broaden my skillset in order to become a better educator and advocate more effectively for the children in my care,” she said. 

When the Covid-19 pandemic put a halt to Enda Bracken’s studies to become an Emergency Medical Technician he turned to special needs assisting and is now enrolled on Portobello Institute’s BA (Ord) in Inclusive Education Practice.

I completed my leaving certificate in June 2019. During the pandemic, I started an SNA course and I started subbing in a primary school ASD unit straight away as I could not return to work with the pandemic.

“This experience changed my mind completely, and I decided I would follow the career path to become a Special Educational Needs (SEN) teacher.

As I did not have the qualifications to be an SEN teacher, I began my search for the right course for me. Having looked at many different courses, I found that the Inclusive Education Practice course with Portobello was the course for me.

“I spent months looking at different courses to find one that suits my already busy schedule. Studying in a blended learning course, I believe was the best choice, as it allows me to continue to work helping pay for my expenses and fees.

“I currently work as an SNA which means while studying to become an SEN teacher, I will be gaining invaluable experience right up until I qualify,” he said.

Choose the course for the career you want

Choosing a career in inclusive education is a powerful affirmation of one's commitment to fostering an equitable, diverse, and inclusive society.  

It is a journey of empowerment, one where you have the unique opportunity to directly influence the lives of students, advocating for their rights, and unlocking their potential.  

A career in inclusive education is more than just a job — it's a call to be a champion for inclusion and diversity, making a profound difference in countless lives. 

Inclusive education as a career path is a gateway to endless learning and growth, offering diversity in roles, settings, and the students you work with. It's a field where no two days are the same, where each student brings a new perspective, and where each challenge surmounted brings the reward of seeing a student thrive. 

As we look towards the future of education, the need for dedicated professionals in inclusive education will only grow.  

If you are inspired to make a meaningful impact, transform the educational landscape, and champion a more inclusive future, a career in inclusive education awaits.

Portobello Institute offers a clear pathway to a successful career in inclusive education starting with a level 5 and level 6 Special Needs Assisting qualification you can progress to a BA (Ord) in Inclusive Education Practice, BA (Hons) in Inclusive Education Practice and an MA in Inclusive Education and SEN

This path is unquestionably fulfilling, continually reminding you of the difference you're making in creating a more inclusive world, one student at a time. 

If you are interested in any of our special needs assisting or inclusive education degrees you can book a consultation call with our expert advisor, Sarah Coyne, email or call 01 892 0028.

If you are interested in the MA in Inclusive Education and SEN specifically, you can speak with our expert advisor, Jennifer Matteazzi, email or call 01 892 0031. 

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