Portobello Institute's Dr Iryna Fox Showcases 'How We Care' at ARPCE Conference at University of Oxford

5th International Conference of ARPCE at University of Oxford
25 Jul 2024
Sharing Research at University of Oxford

Dr Iryna Fox, a dedicated Early Years lecturer and programme lead at Portobello Institute was delighted to share her research with colleagues at the 5th International Conference of the Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education (ARPCE) in Oxford, UK.

The conference took place at Harris Manchester College, a unique institution within the University of Oxford, dedicated to students aged 21 or over from diverse backgrounds and countries, providing them with lifelong learning opportunities.

The ARPCE ethos and Harris Manchester College setting created a synergy with the work at Portobello Institute, reflecting its commitment to accessible education and flexible pathways for students from non-traditional backgrounds.

Dr Fox's presentation, entitled “How We Care? - An Exploration of Tutors’ Experiences of Developing Caring Relationships with Mature Students in an Online Learning Environment” shared her valuable insights with a wider circle of colleagues in Oxford.

Exploring Teaching Practices at Portobello Institute

Dr Fox's presentation focused on exploring teaching practices at Portobello Institute through the lens of the ethics of care.

While caring is often associated with working with young children, her experience as a lead on the Early Childhood Care and Education and Inclusive Education courses highlighted that adult students also require substantial care. Supporting their emotional well-being and developing their confidence is crucial to their academic success.

"The academic team at Portobello Institute has provided excellent examples of caring for their students, evident from student feedback and impressive retention, progression, and completion rates. Conducting research to capture tutors' lived experiences of caring for their students seemed a worthwhile task that could enrich the profession," she said.

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Findings from the Study

The study revealed that the teaching practices and caring attitudes of her colleagues were shaped by Portobello Institute’s values, which encourage nurturing everyone and promoting a supportive climate.

"The tutors own experiences as mature students and their roles in both giving and receiving care also inspired them. Their motivation stems from their goal to promote student success holistically, relying on communication, mutual engagement, collaboration, and respect," she said.Screenshot 2024-07-25 090258

Gaining New Insights and Ideas

Beyond sharing her research, Dr Fox returned with numerous interesting ideas after learning about developments in the post-compulsory education sector. These included the use of artificial intelligence, creative teaching, assessment, observation, and research methods, as well as the social and political landscape underpinning the sector dynamics.

She was inspired by teachers, administrators, academics, public servants, and researchers from England, Scotland, Wales, Cyprus, Australia, Hong Kong, and Saudi Arabia. Implementing these ideas will motivate Iryna to promote student success across many areas of work at Portobello Institute.

Significant Milestone

Attending and presenting at the 5th International Conference of the Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education was a significant milestone for Dr Fox and Portobello Institute.

Through her research, Dr Fox highlighted the profound impact of caring teaching practices on mature students, showcasing the dedication and values upheld by the institute's academic team.

The conference not only provided a platform to share these insights but also offered Dr Fox an opportunity to learn from global experts in the field.

The new ideas and innovative approaches she encountered will undoubtedly inspire further advancements in student success at Portobello Institute.

As Dr Fox continues to implement these strategies, the institute remains committed to fostering a nurturing and inclusive educational environment for all students, reinforcing its mission of accessible and flexible learning pathways.


Dr Iryna Fox, Early Years and Inclusive Education Programme Lead

Read more about Dr Iryna Fox here.

View our upcoming Inclusive Education courses here.

View our upcoming Early Years courses here. 

For more information you can book a free consultation call with our admissions advisor Sarah Coyne at a time that suits you here. Or you can email sarah.coyne@portobelloinstitute.com or call her directly on 01 892 0028.

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Sarah Coyne

Education is a journey and the destination is a career that you love. I support the department that helps you to plan your journey so you can find the path that’s right for you. As I am often the first point of contact for many prospective students, I am excited to introduce students to the Portobello Institute experience. I enjoy learning about students’ ideas, goals, and passions, and this job allows me to do so.  

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