Who Hires Sports Science Graduates?

sports science graduates job options
18 Aug 2021

Sports Science degrees are becoming more valuable now than ever before because of the boom in sports analytics. A coach’s gut feeling is no longer enough to justify a decision made that could impact the result of a game that is worth millions to a team.

Becoming a professional soccer player or professional rugby player requires dedication and hard work. But it also requires being in the 0.1% of athletes who are capable of performing to that level.

While not just anyone can be a professional sports analyst, it is a more realistic path for those seeking a career in sports. With the right education, a career in sports is more than attainable.

Behind every superstar athlete and elite professional team is a wide array of support staff who have developed their skills to reach the top of their professions.

Portobello Institute’s BSc (Hons) Sports and Exercise Science degree allow graduates to develop the skill set required to be elite sports analysts. It is the ideal choice for those considering employment in sports technology or professional performance sports science.

This degree sets up graduates to apply their knowledge in a sport setting immediately upon completion.

Furthermore, Portobello Institute has built excellent links with sports technology companies and performance sports domains to afford students opportunities both before and after graduation. Each student experiences a practical-based placement as part of their course which gives them on-site experience but also opportunities to develop relationships with industry professionals.

Studying for a sports science degree in Dublin is particularly valuable because Ireland is a hub for the top international sports technology companies. Each of Stats Sport, Kitman Labs, Orreco, Stat and Performa Sport have their headquarters in Ireland.

Holding a degree in Sports Performance Analysis would make you an ideal candidate for recruitment.

  • STATSports

STATSports is a company that started in Ireland and has grown into the world-leading provider of GPS player tracking and analysis equipment. They have offices in Ireland, London, Chicago and Florida.

The STATSports APEX System offers specific software for Football, Basketball, American Football, Rugby and Athletics.

  • Kitman Labs

Another company founded in Ireland, Kitman Labs has grown into one of the largest sports science companies in the world in less than a decade. The company was founded to fundamentally change how data is used in sports to enhance performance and reduce injury risk.

Kitman Labs has assembled some of the best technologists, product experts, UI designers and data scientists but ultimately is led by sports practitioners.

Dr Susan Giblin is the current head of the Portobello Institute Sports Department and the former Head of Research for Kitman Labs.

  • Orreco

Orreco offers a wide range of services to clients as they blend sports and data science to optimise athletic performance. Biomarker analytics, advanced biomarker analytics, individual athlete programmes, female-specific analysis and data science consultancy are all available.

  • STAT

STAT is a data-driven global company that offers insights for elite athletes, elite sports teams, media organizations hoping to drive fan engagement and gamblers/fantasy players hoping to win big money.

  • Performa Sport

Performa Sport offers coaches the opportunity to simplify their performance analysis process by relying on their customizable app and sports-specific data tracking system.

Portobello Institute values the one in everyone and understands that education is only a part of your life. We don’t want to take up all of your time and create stress for you. You should go to college to improve your life outside of college and after college.

We are training the sports professionals of the future. If you would like to work in sports in a professional capacity, you can find a course that will provide you with the requisite education to do so.

If you'd like to read more about the sports degrees and qualifications we carry, you can visit the department page here.

If you are interested in any of our sports courses or have any questions you can book a consultation call with our expert sports advisor Sharde Sebastian here, email sharde.sebastian@portobelloinstitute.com or call 01 892 0029.

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