Why Study a BA (Ord) Early Childhood Care and Education Level 7 Degree?

Why Study a BA (Ord) Early Childhood Care and Education Level 7 Degree?
29 Aug 2022

The Early Childhood Care and Education sector in Ireland continues to become an increasingly graduate-led workforce with those who have higher certified qualifications leading the way and securing the career they want.

Early years settings receive the higher capitation grant per child if they have someone in the room with a level 7 degree or aboveThis is seen as a major advantage to employers and those without a level 7 can feel like they are getting left behind in terms of opportunities.  

However, completing a BA (Ord) in Early Childhood Care and Education isn’t just about funding. It can bring new perspectives and practices into a long career in early childhood care and education and help you to gain a new understanding of children and families today while developing fresh friendships and collaborations with like-minded people in your industry.  

Denise Flood, College Director and Head of our Early Years Department, says past pupils who have come in with years of experience to complete a level 7 have ‘gained a new lease of life’ even after many years working in the sector. 

“People report when they come on the degree that they had no idea what they didn’t know. They may have been running an Early Years setting for 20 years using for example the Montessori method of education and realise that there are so many other pedagogies that they could include also within their practice.  

The big thing for many of them is a new understanding of working well with the children and families in their settings and being open and responsive to diverse family backgrounds. Learning how they can get to know parents and children’s caregivers and the benefits that working openly and collaboratively can bring.

This course gives many a new lease of life in their practice and new ways of doing things. They make new friendships and collaborate on practices that they can then use to support their services in the future.

Many early years practitioners work in isolated ways. For example, you could have a setting in the west of Ireland, and the only people they see are their children and families and there may not be another setting for a few miles who they have no need to meet up with. This course can give them a new group of people who they can use to support their practice,” Denise said.  

If you think you could gain a new lease of life in your job, benefit from advancing your skills and knowledge, gain support and friendships in the industry, back up your years of experience with the qualification to guarantee your skills to employers.

You can gain a level 7 BA in Early Childhood Care and Education if you currently hold a QQI ECCE Level 6 award.  

You can study this degree in your own time through blended learning, with a combination of webinar tutorial seminars and online learning over two academic years.

You can join the large network of early years practitioners on this learning journey. There is an easy payment plan designed to make this degree affordable.  

These factors, together with the one-to-one tutorial support, offer you a level 7 degree that is accessible, affordable and achievable.

Read More: Transitions – Making the First Days of Preschool a Success

Find Out More

Click here to book a consultation to speak to our Early Years & Montessori advisor, Jennifer Matteazzi, about where you are on this journey and how we can guide you to achieve your goals. Call her directly on 01 892 0031 or email jennifer.matteazzi@portobelloinstitute.com or visit the Early Years & Montessori department here.

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