How can we make education more inclusive? | Study Inclusive Education Practice at Portobello

21 Sep 2023

Education is one of society's most potent tools, shaping the minds and futures of generations. Its purpose transcends mere knowledge acquisition; it's about empowerment, fostering understanding, and preparing individuals for informed citizenship.

Inclusion, then, is the cornerstone that ensures education realizes its full potential. In an increasingly diverse world, how do we cultivate learning environments that embrace, respect, and respond to differences? Let's explore pathways towards a more inclusive educational framework.

1. Understanding Inclusion vs. Integration: At the heart of the matter is grasping the nuances between integration and inclusion. While integration places students from diverse backgrounds into mainstream settings, inclusion ensures that these students are valued, engaged, and truly a part of their learning community. True inclusion fosters a sense of belonging for all students.

2. Professional Development for Educators: Teachers play a pivotal role in fostering inclusivity. Regular workshops, training sessions, and courses should be mandated to ensure educators are equipped with the skills and knowledge to support and value every student's individual needs.

3. Diverse Curricula and Learning Materials: The content taught should mirror the diversity of our world. By incorporating a wide range of perspectives, histories, and voices in curricula, we not only validate diverse experiences but also enrich the learning journey for all students.

4. Universal Design for Learning (UDL): UDL is an educational framework that aims to cater to the varied learning needs of all students. By offering multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression, UDL ensures that learning is accessible and relevant to everyone.

5. Peer Support Systems: Inclusion is a community effort. Establishing buddy systems or peer mentoring programs can foster understanding, empathy, and support among students, ensuring everyone feels connected and valued.

6. Flexible Assessment Methods: One size doesn't fit all. Flexible and varied assessment methods allow all students to showcase their understanding and skills in ways most appropriate to them.

7. Embracing Assistive Technologies: From screen readers for visually impaired students to speech-to-text programs for those with writing difficulties, technology offers a myriad of tools to make learning more accessible.

8. Stakeholder Collaboration: Inclusive education is a collective responsibility. Schools should actively engage with parents, communities, NGOs, and other stakeholders to garner insights, support, and resources.

9. Promoting Socio-Emotional Learning: Inclusion isn't just academic; it's emotional and social. Programs that foster socio-emotional learning cultivate environments of empathy, resilience, and mutual respect.

10. Regular Feedback and Review: Inclusivity is an evolving goal. Regular feedback mechanisms, such as surveys and focus groups, can provide insights into the effectiveness of inclusive strategies, allowing for timely modifications and improvements.

Inclusive education transcends policy and curriculum—it's a mindset, a commitment to ensuring every student, regardless of their background or abilities, is seen, valued, and empowered. It's about challenging our norms, breaking down barriers, and weaving a rich tapestry of shared experiences.

The journey might be complex, demanding constant reflection and adaptation, but its rewards, in the form of a harmonious, understanding, and enlightened society, are unparalleled.

Portobello Institute offers courses in Special Needs Assisting and Inclusive Education. 

Check out our courses below:

If you have any questions please reach out to our admissions expert Sarah Coyne at, book a 15-minute consultation call with Sarah or call 01 892 0041.

Speak to an expert

Jennifer Matteazzi

I love the interaction with students.  Every day I get to meet different individuals and learners who are looking to change their lives and I get to be the person who advises them on the best programme to take. It is a fantastic feeling to be part of their journey.  For many learners this is a huge decision and I get to be the person who supports them in making that decision.  There is an incredible sense of pride when I see our learners graduate and achieve their education goals.

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