05 June, 2024 | Posted by Jenny Smith

Can you do a level 6 in childcare without level 5?

Preschool teacher laughing and smiling with a young child

Entering the world of early years education is a rewarding career choice, filled with opportunities to make a lasting impact on children's lives.

One common question for those considering this path is whether it's possible to pursue a level 6 qualification in childcare without first completing level 5.

Let's explore this and understand why investing in your education in early years is crucial to supporting your knowledge and career progression.

Understanding the Levels in Childcare Education

Early Learning and Care (ELC) qualifications are structured in levels to signify the depth of knowledge and skills acquired.

Typically, level 5 serves as an introductory step, providing a solid foundation in early years education. Level 6, on the other hand, represents an advanced understanding, preparing individuals for leadership and specialised roles within the sector.

Level 6 also offers. pathway to gaining your level 7 BA (Ord) Early Childhood Care & Education degree.

NFQ fan

Can You Skip Level 5 in Early Learning & Care?

While it might seem advantageous to jump straight to level 6, it's important to recognise the value of completing level 5 first. Many educational institutions and employers prefer or require the completion of level 5 before progressing to level 6. This progression ensures that learners have the necessary background and are fully prepared for the advanced topics and responsibilities that come with a level 6 qualification.

At Portobello Institute, we can support you in your decision whether to study your level 5 or go straight into your level 6. We often find that people with a lot of experience (Recognition of Prior Learning) or an academic background find it easy to go into level 6 while in other cases where English is not a person's first language or they have never worked in the sector before, they tend to prefer starting at level 5 and ease into assignments and learning at this level.

Our course advisors are on hand to assess your situation and support your decision. 

Entry Requirements for Certificate in Early Learning & Care – QQI Level 5 Major Award

  • Leaving Certificate, including Leaving Certificate applied, or equivalent at NFQ level 4.
  • Where the applicants do not have a Leaving Certificate or equivalent, they can be accepted on the basis of an interview and a short piece of writing
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate evidence of achievement of B2 standard for writing, reading, listening, and speaking at the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Additionally, applicants must:

  • Be in a position to undertake a supervised placement of 150 hrs per stage
  •  Be in a position to obtain Garda vetting

Entry Requirements for Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care – QQI Level 6 Major Award

  • Certificate in Early Learning and Care – NFQ level 5 and TUSLA Children First eLearning Programme certificate
  • Major Award in Early Childhood Care and Education – QQI level 5 and TUSLA Children First eLearning Programme certificate
  • International awards in disciplines related to Early Learning and Care at NFQ level 5 and TUSLA Children First eLearning Programme certificate
  • Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate evidence of achievement of B2 standard for writing, reading, listening, and speaking at Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Additionally, applicants must:

  • Be in a position to undertake a supervised placement of 150 hrs per stage
  • Be in a position to obtain Garda vetting

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for Entry: – process and criteria:
Where you do not have a Leaving Certificate or equivalent, you can be accepted on the basis of an interview and a short piece of writing. You must demonstrate:

  • desire to work in the ELC sector
  • autonomy and responsibility
  • adequate communications skills
  • ability to take responsibility for their own learning

Additionally, applicants must:

  • be in a position to undertake a supervised placement of 150 hrs per stage
  • be in a position to obtain Garda vetting

The Importance of a Strong Foundation

Completing level 5 before advancing to level 6 is not just about meeting entry requirements; it’s about building a robust foundation of knowledge and skills. Here are a few reasons why this foundation is essential:

  1. Comprehensive Understanding: Level 5 covers fundamental aspects of childcare, including child development, play-based learning, and health and safety. These are critical for anyone looking to excel in early years education.

  2. Confidence and Competence: By mastering level 5, you gain confidence in your abilities and a comprehensive understanding of the field. This preparation makes the transition to level 6 smoother and more manageable.

  3. Career Advancement: Many employers value the progressive learning pathway, seeing it as a commitment to thorough and continued professional development. This can enhance your job prospects and career progression.

The Benefits of Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care – QQI Level 6 Major Award

Achieving a level 6 qualification in childcare brings numerous benefits:

  1. Leadership Opportunities: Level 6 equips you with the skills needed for supervisory and managerial roles, opening doors to positions such as nursery manager or early years coordinator.

  2. Specialised Knowledge: You gain in-depth knowledge in areas such as curriculum planning, advanced child development theories, and policy implementation.

  3. Increased Earning Potential: Higher qualifications often lead to better pay and more job security within the early years sector.

Encouraging Lifelong Learning

Investing in your education is a powerful step towards a fulfilling career in early years education. The journey from level 5 to level 6 is one of growth and professional development, ensuring you are well-prepared to make a significant impact in the lives of young children.

Education in early years is not just a requirement but a crucial element in shaping the future generation. By pursuing comprehensive training, you are not only enhancing your own skills but also contributing to the quality of care and education that children receive during their most formative years.

While the idea of skipping directly to level 6 might seem appealing, the benefits of completing level 5 cannot be overstated.

It provides essential knowledge and skills, ensuring you are well-equipped for the challenges and responsibilities of advanced roles in childcare.

Embrace the learning journey, invest in your education, and look forward to a rewarding career in early years education.

Find Out More

You can reach out to our early years academic advisor Jennifer Matteazzi today, book a 15-minute consultation call, email jennifer.matteazzi@portobelloinstitute.com or call 01 892 0031 to start your educational journey with Portobello Institute.

Portobello Institute’s Early Years department has qualifications ranging from level 5 to level 9. We offer:

Other courses you may be interested in include:

Visit our Early Years department for more.

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