What is the New 'Core Funding' Model in Early Years Sector and How Will it Work?
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Funding Model and Workforce Plan Among Reforms for Early Years Sector - Minister for Children
‘Language begets literacy, and that literacy begets all sorts of good educational outcomes’ Dr Geraldine French
Four Reasons Why Completing an MA in Early Childhood Studies Brings About Change
Opening Opportunities for Literacy Learning at Home in Early Childhood
Collaborative Partnerships: Supporting Parents to Enhance the Language of STEAM
Portobello Presents: Dr Geraldine French Supporting Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood
Dr Mary O'Kane: How Can We Challenge Thinking on Collaborative Partnerships with Children and Families?
What is the value of Montessori Teaching in 2022?
What can I do with Early Childhood Studies at Portobello Institute?
Same-sex Parents and Their Children Must be Recognised as a Family Across EU - Court Rules
Dr Mary O'Kane: Challenging Thinking on Collaborative Partnerships with Children and Families