Why Do A Level 8 Degree in Early Childhood Studies?

Early Years Education Portobello Institute Level 8 Degree
24 Feb 2021

The future of early years education is changing. The next couple of years will be crucial in developing early years degrees, setting standards and frameworks.  

Leading educators at Portobello Institute say now is the time to secure a Level 8 degree before more changes come in that will add to the workload of the degree.  

Early Years Programme Manager at Portobello, Iryna Fox, says requirements are set to change around 2022 and she is encouraging anyone interested to delve in now.  

“Students will have to do more work on the Level 8 in future. They will have to do an extra module to get the same qualification. Go for it now and have it done by next year.  

In the Level 8 you choose what topic you want to work in depth on and there isn’t as much output as Level 7. You will do around 10,000 words in the whole year of Level 8 as opposed to around 40,000 words in Level 7. It is not as heavy; it is more about research and you are using a different set of skills,” she said.  

Early Years Lecturer at Portobello, Jacinta Murphy, says the framework set out by Síolta indicates that in future, Level 8 will be equal to what Level 7 is now.  

It is written in fine print in the Síolta framework that managerial positions could be minimum Level 8 in the future, not by law but in the framework, therefore it is a future indication that Level 7 will equal what Level 6 is now and Level 8 will equal what Level 7 is now. Thinking ahead, this is where the sector is going,” she said.  

Course Coordinator of Masters in Early Childhood Studies & Lead Lecturer in the BA Hons degree Early Childhood Studies at PortobelloMarguerita Magennis, agrees that Level 8 looks set to change and now is a good time to get it done. 

 Level 7 is fine it gets you the higher capitation. For people in their thirties, it becomes about earning a higher salary and stepping out of the classroom.

"Currently Level 8 is one module over the entire year and down the line that looks set to change. It is manageable now and now is the time to do it for the sake of one more piece of work.

"After Level 7 you’ll think Level 8 is a doddle, you only have to focus on a topic you are interested in and you get to pick it yourself,” she said.  

If you hold a Level 7 BA (Ord) degree in Early Childhood Studies you can top up your degree to a Level 8 BA (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies in just 10 months through blended learning. 


Book a consultation with Jennifer Matteazzi here to secure your place ahead of the deadline this weekend, February 26. Call Jennifer on 01 892 0031. 

Portobello Institute offers a range of qualifications in Early Years and Montessori, check them out here

Read more blog posts here. 

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